UKIP wins first parliament seat in landslide victory

Andrew Osborn Reuters 10/10/2014

Britain’s anti-EU UK Independence Party won its first elected seat in parliament on Friday by a landslide and came a close second in another vote, proving it poses a threat to the country’s two main parties in a national election next year.

UKIP, which wants a British EU withdrawal and strict […]

PM David Cameron’s Last Speech in Scotland Before Referendum Breitbart London 15 Sep 2014

The full text of David Cameron’s final speech in Aberdeen, Scotland before the country goes to the polls in Thursday’s referendum:


We meet in a week that could change the United Kingdom forever.

Indeed, it could end the United Kingdom as we know it.

On […]

The Reformation of Manners

Mark Steyn Steyn Online 8/29/2014

On Friday I appeared on Michael Graham’s radio show to discuss, among other things, the appalling revelations from Rotherham, a drab town in South Yorkshire in which over the course of a decade and a half some 1,400 girls (as young as 11) were “groomed”, drugged, raped, traded and, occasionally, […]

Gutfeld: President Obama's golf problem

After an American is beheaded, no president should ‘be heading’ to the course

Greg Gutfeld 8/21/2014   . Watch the latest video at .   Also at FNC, Obama stays course on golf game after horrific ISIS video (video)  


Related: UK Prime Minister’s Response to ISIS Beheading of US Journalist Puts […]

Britain: If hostilities break out in Gaza again, we’re cutting Israel off

Noah Rothman Hot Air 8/12/2014

Last week, British police reported a disturbing and significant rise in anti-Semitic attacks on local Jews since the start of the latest conflict in Gaza.

“Figures seen by the BBC show recorded hate crimes against Jewish people living in London have doubled compared with the same period last year, while […]

Revealed: The EU Elite’s Power-Grabbing Coups That Will Sideline Britain

M.E. Synon Breitbart London 4 Jul 2014

While David Cameron and his government are still reeling from the “coup” pulled off by the European Parliament last week in Brussels, when MEPs seized control of the selection of the next president of the European Commission away from national leaders, the EU elite are wasting no […]
