Climategate 3.0 has occurred – the password has been released

Anthony Watts Watts Up With That 3/13/2013

This post will be a top “sticky” post for some time, new essays will appear below this one – Anthony

A number of climate skeptic bloggers (myself included) have received this message yesterday. While I had planned to defer announcing this until a reasonable scan could be completed, […]

Climategate Figure Threatens Multiple Lawsuits to Squelch Criticism

Patterico Patterico Pontifications 8/26/2012

Investor’s Business Daily:

In an attempt to defend his role in the greatest scam of modern times, Climate-gate’s poster child threatens to defend his tarnished reputation in court. First, hide the decline, then hide the deceit.

‘Get lost” was National Review editor Rich Lowry’s appropriate response to a threatened lawsuit by […]

Climatologists Trade Tips on Destroying Evidence, Evangelizing Warming

Glenn Reynolds Instapundit 12/3/2011

CLIMATEGATE UPDATE: DailyTech: Climatologists Trade Tips on Destroying Evidence, Evangelizing Warming. “The emails contain outright requests for the destruction of professional communications regarding research in an effort to cover up public scrutiny of public flaws. The leaks add yet another humiliating scandal to Pennsylvania State University as they implicate prominent Penn […]

#Climategate scientists DID collude with government officials to hide research that didn’t fit their apocalyptic global warming

‘I’ve been told that Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is above national Freedom of Information Acts…One way to cover yourself and all those working in AR5 would be to delete all emails at the end of the process.’

5,000 leaked emails reveal scientists deleted evidence that cast doubt on claims climate change was […]

Uh oh, global warming loons: here comes Climategate II!

I also think the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it which for all our sakes might not be too clever in the long run.

James Delingpole The Telegraph [UK] 22 Nov 2011

Breaking news: two years after the Climategate, a further batch of emails has been leaked onto […]

The End of Climategate?

New data on global temperature trends sheds light on the 2009 climate change scandal.

Ronald Bailey Reason Magazine 11/1/2011

Climategate erupted into public with the release in November 2009 of thousands of emails sent to and from researchers associated with the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia. It became a […]
