UN whistle blower warns about economic destruction program

Anthony Martin Conservative Examiner 3/22/2014

A United Nations whistle blower has charged that the European Union, in collaboration with the U.N., has implemented a dangerous economic destruction program that is aimed directly at the United States.

The EU and other nations of the world, according to the whistle blower, are actively creating “a new reality” […]

Costly can-kicking in Rhode Island’s little Detroit

Mike Stenhouse CEO, RI Center for Freedom and Prosperity via The Daily Caller 7/30/2013

You have to wonder if state and local officials managing the city of Woonsocket, Rhode Island — already under state oversight for their dire financial straits — are living in the real world or in the land of make believe. After […]

Franklin Graham Visits New York

The Samaritan’s Purse president tells homeowners affected by Hurricane Sandy that God has not forgotten them



Samaritans Purse 11/13/2012

Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham visited our work site in Lynbrook, New York, on Tuesday, meeting homeowners impacted by Hurricane Sandy and volunteers who have come to help in the Name of Jesus.


Have You Hugged Your Garbage Man Today?

Drew M. Ace of Spades HQ 10/2/2012

Mitt Romney’s garbageman thinks Mitt’s a mean guy because he’s never hugged him or offered him something to drink.


The ad is from AFSCME, the largest public employees union.

Here’s my question for the butthurt garbageman…Have you ever thanked Mitt Romney or anyone else for working […]

Gov. Scott Walker Wows Crowd at AFP Summit

Warner Todd Huston Publius Forum 8/4/2012

On Friday night Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin spoke before Americans For Prosperity’s event Defending the American Dream Summit and the crowd was loving it, I have to say.

Walker entered the room to a standing ovation and got an even bigger standing O when he finished and his […]

Americans Try to Outrun State, Local Tax Hikes

Linda Stern Fox Business 5/23/2011

Alan Dlugash is a New York accountant who specializes in high net worth Manhattanites, but lately he’s been fielding a lot of calls from clients in neighboring states — Connecticut and New Jersey.

“The big deal right now is ‘how do I change my residency?’” he said. And the reason […]
