Muslim U.S. Congressman Busted Working With Terrorist Frontman

Conservative Tribune 12/29/2014

One of the two sitting U.S. Congressmen who happen to also be Muslim was caught working together with a known frontman and fundraiser for terrorist groups.

Indiana Representative Andre Carson (D) took part in a major Islamic convention in Chicago this weekend. The convention was hosted and sponsored by the Muslim American […]

Pelosi holds secret fundraiser with Islamists, Hamas-linked groups

Neil Munro The Daily Caller 11/2/2012

Democratic leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi headlined a high-dollar fundraiser in May that was attended by U.S.-based Islamist groups and individuals linked by the U.S. government to the Hamas jihad group and to the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood movement.

The donors at the undisclosed May 16 event included Nihad Awad, the […]

The Vetting: Barack Obama, the First Tea Partier

John Sexton Big Government 5/23/2012

Photo: Chicago Daily Herald , July 9, 1997

In 2009, President Barack Obama reportedly called members of the Tea Party “teabaggers.” It turns out that our fourth greatest president, first in so many things, may have been the first “teabagger” himself, as seen in the 1997 photograph […]

CBC members should stop demonizing tea partiers

Mia Love The Daily Caller 9/12/2011

I have yet to meet a tea party member who wants to see me “hanging on a tree,” as U.S. Rep. Andre Carson of Indiana recently suggested. He says the tea party considers me a second-class citizen. In truth, as a black conservative woman in Utah, I have been […]

The Big Lie: Farrakhan-backed Islamist Indiana Rep. Andre Carson foments violence using Alinsky-style propaganda against the Tea Party

Doug Ross DirectorBlue 8/31/2011

“Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It.” —Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

Repeat a lie often enough, through enough different propagandists, and a substantial percentage of the populace will begin to believe it.

The tactic is called “The Big Lie” and it was exploited […]

Congressional Black Caucus’ Dangerous Violent Rhetoric: Declares ‘War’ on Racist Tea Party

‘This is War’: Congressional Black Caucus Travels U.S. Cities Using Violent Rhetoric: Declares ‘War’ on Racist Tea Party, Says Tea Party Wants to Lynch Blacks, Calls for Bank Runs, Civil Unrest in Their Neighborhoods and Homes

Naked Emperor News via The Blaze 8/30/2011


Update: MSNBC anchor moderated Congressional Black Caucus’ panel portraying Tea […]
