Ex-Im bank stand betrays Warren’s populist roots: Column

Massachusetts senator went to DC to fight for families, but she may end up backing corporations.

Shikha Dalmia USA Today 9/29/2014

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts rode to Washington — and progressive icon status – by promising “to work for the middle class and working families every chance I get” and, unlike Mitt Romney […]

Housing nominee Mel Watt helped create the subprime crisis

Charles C. Johnson The Daily Caller 5/5/2013

Mel Watt, President Obama’s nominee for director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, pushed government programs to help welfare recipients buy homes during the creation of the subprime mortgage bubble.

Watt, a 20-year Member of Congress from North Carolina’s 12th district, also had a hand in programs allowing […]

Justice Department and States to Sue Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service For Fraudulently Rating Mortgage Bonds

Orin Kerr The Volokh Conspiracy 2/4/2013

The New York Times Dealbook blog has news of an important new case likely to be filed soon:

The Justice Department, along with state prosecutors, plans to file civil charges against Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service, accusing the firm of fraudulently rating mortgage bonds that led to the financial […]

Joe Kennedy III Says a Drone Killed Bin Laden and Other Notes on the Sean Bielat Race

Prudence The Prudence Paine Papers 10/28/2012

In the race to fill the Massachusetts 4th Congressional seat being vacated by Barney Frank (D-MA), trust fund Democrat Joe Kennedy III is pitting his name, inexperience and ignorance against Marine and small businessman Sean Bielat.

So far, Kennedy has had problems in knowing that Jerusalem (not Tel Aviv, […]

Maxine Waters’ Ethics Case WILL Proceed

Jeff Dunetz Yid With Lid 6/6/2012

When ethics charges were brought up against California Rep Maxine Waters in 2010 she responded with cries of racism and unfair practices from the committee’s lawyers that violated her rights. The truth was the ONLY thing unfair was that Ms. Waters may have helped her husbands bank receive TARP […]

Agenda 21′s Role in America’s Financial Breakdown

Henry Lamb The Moral Liberal 4/28/2012

…In six months, America will choose to continue down the current path toward global governance, or to unseat the current administration in favor of returning to the U.S. Constitution as the foundation of government.

Obama and his colleagues are quick to claim that a vote for a Republican is […]
