‘Climate Science’ in Shambles: Real Scientists Battle UN Agenda

William F. Jasper The New American 13 July 2012

…More than 1,000 internationally renowned scientists have gone further; they have not merely signed a petition, but have made public statements challenging key claims of the AGW alarmists. Published in 2010, in a report by Marc Morano of ClimateDepot.com, this important collection of statements is an […]

Lord Monckton Sticks a Fork in Rio+20

Dave Blount Moonbattery 6/28/2012

This is no time to let our guard down, but the great countermoonbat Lord Monckton has some good news regarding the fizzling of the international green Marxist movement at Rio+20:


Now the bad news: American courts have been upholding the collapsing global warming hoax as a pretext for authoritarianism […]

‘Failure here is good for the world’s poor people.’

Climate Depot Featured at UN Earth Summit: “Failure here is good for the world’s poor people. We need to redefine sustainable development as oil, gas, coal.”

Morano: ‘Failure is the only option for this conference if you care about the environment & poor people. Carbon based energy has been one of the greatest liberators of […]

Maurice Strong, High Level Closing Plenary – Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum

UN.org 18 Jun 2012

The Compact 4 Rio will convene chief executives with leaders from Government, civil society and the United Nations, as well as Forum participants to discuss and identify strategies for a new era of global sustainability. This session will distil the outcomes of the four-day Corporate Sustainability Forum, and identify the most […]

At Rio + 20 UN Official: Western Nations ‘Don’t Need More Cars, More TV, Whatever’

Paul Wilson CNSNews.com 6/19/2012

Environmental concerns have caused one high-ranking UN official to declare that “the West” does not need more cars, televisions, and other consumer luxuries.

United Nations Development Programme head Helen Clark told AFP in an interview: “So the issue is how to get human development that will see it continue to rise […]

Rio+20: ICLEI Members Admit ‘Bait and Switch’ to Boost Climate Agenda

Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) Press Release 6/18/2012

[Belo Horizonte, Brazil]– To advance public action on global warming, participants attending the ICLEI World Congress admitted today that they are deliberately employing new terminology to misdirect opponents and gain acceptance of their efforts to reduce energy use and greenhouse gases. By utilizing terms like “sustainability” […]
