'We can't take any more.'

Germany stops ALL trains from Austria as they reintroduce border controls and temporarily suspend Schengen Agreement


Germany has become the destination for many desperate Syrian refugees Munich, which has been the main entry point, is now at breaking point Germany has announced a reintroduction of ‘temporary’ border controls The move marks a dramatic shift […]

‘Israel is not bound by this deal with Iran because they continue to seek our destruction’

Wayne Dupree NewsNinja2012 7/14/2015

Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the newly-finalized nuclear deal with Iran — calling it a “historic mistake.” …

…Netanyahu also took to Twitter earlier today and didn’t leave a stone unturned regarding his feelings on this deal:

“I will refer later to the details of the agreement but I’ll say now,” Netanyahu tweeted, […]

World War O

Obama took office vowing to end America’s wars. Now we’re in at least five, and U.S. officials are unsure what to do about it.


Michael Crowley Politico 4/23/2015

President Barack Obama’s expression of remorse on Thursday for the death of two hostages in a U.S. drone strike underscored one of the great frustrations of […]

Judicial Watch: State Department Documents Reveal Concern about Bill Clinton’s Activities with ‘Saudi Entities’

Judicial Watch 4/23/2015

Judicial Watch announced that it has received 126 pages of documents from the State Department related to Hillary Clinton’s possible conflicts of interest regarding her position as Secretary of State. The initial Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was placed on May 2, 2011. These documents are being released as a result […]

France, Germany Leave Talks As Iran Threatens US, Israel

Joel Leyden Israel News Agency 4/1/2015

Jerusalem, Israel — April 1, 2015 … The deadline for achieving a framework agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program has come and gone. France and Germany have left the negotiations stating “things had not advanced enough for an immediate deal.”

As Obama continues to beg for any kind of agreement […]

Pro-Hassan Rouhani Iranian editor defects while covering nuclear talks in Lausanne

Amir Hossein Motaghi says he no longer sees any “sense” in his profession as he could only write as he was told

Ahmed Vahdat and Richard Spencer The Telegraph [UK] 27 Mar 2015

A close media aide to Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian president, has sought political asylum in Switzerland after travelling to Lausanne to cover […]
