Standing Ovation: Rand Paul Blows Away Liberal Black Audience With Conservative Message at Bowie State

Matthew Boyle Big Government 14 Mar 2015

BOWIE, Maryland — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was a hit speaker on the campus of Bowie State University on Friday, earning several rounds of applause and a standing ovation for the conservative message he delivered to a predominantly liberal audience at the historically black university—part of an […]

Malkin shreds Jeb Bush, Common Core and ‘John Dewey/Saul Alinsky-marinated progressives’

Kyle Olson 4/30/2014

…“And who are the people behind these efforts to usurp local control and sovereignty, to trample parental rights, to invade student privacy, and to undermine basic constitutional principles? Chamber of Commerce types, Republican Party types, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, the Establishment — they’re just a facade for the people who are […]

Bill Whittle: The Cookie Cutter Curriculum

Bill viagra without rx Whittle PJ Media YouTube 10/24/2013

SAT question: education is to the Common Core System as healthcare is to ______________. If you answered Obamacare, you’d be right. The Common Core is a massive power grab to the federal bureaucracy, and just furthers liberals’ plans of indoctrination. Join Bill Whittle in this edition […]

Remarks at today's Values Voter Summit

SenTedCruz YouTube 10/11/2013

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“…You know, the nice thing is the Left will always, always, always tell you who they fear, and they fear you. They fear the American people…”

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There is more video at C-SPAN, Value Voters Summit, Morning Session

The […]

Were 5th graders forced to recite ‘We learn more with common core!’ poem?

Glenn Beck 8/9/2013

According to a radio listener in North Carolina, a group of 80 5th grade students were allegedly forced to recite an indoctrination poem that hammered home just how wonderful Common Core really is. “We learn more with Common Core. Text genre, features and theme to explore, we learned more with Common Core.” […]

GOP Finally Engages ‘Mommy Blogs’

Dana Loesch RedState 4/30/2013

Some make fun of the niche, but it’s an influential and driving force in marketing. The GOP has finally figured this out and engaged the mommy blog community, albeit ten-plus years after its explosion.

House Republicans are targeting popular “mommy blog” websites in a digital ad campaign beginning Tuesday as part […]
