GOP Rep: House Passed VA Bills Collecting Dust On Reid's Desk

Larry O’Connor YouTube 5/22/2014

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Related: Memorial Day: Obama and the Faculty Windbags’ Waterloo

…Many have wondered about Barack Obama’s prolonged silence concerning the disastrous situation at the Veterans Administration hospitals and then his odd detached demeanor (well, maybe not that odd for him) when he finally did discuss it at a […]

Senate Democrats Pressure Networks to Increase Coverage of Climate Change

Robert Wilde Big Government 17 Feb 2014

Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Brian Schatz (D-HI) are gathering colleagues’ signatures on a letter to networks ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox expressing their disapproval at the lack of global warming discussion on the channels’ Sunday shows.

According to Sanders, “It is beyond my comprehension… that their […]

Rand Paul to Lead Class-Action Lawsuit Against Obama Over NSA Spying

Matthew Boyle Big Government 3 Jan 2014

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is leading a class-action lawsuit with hundreds of thousands of Americans against President Barack Obama’s National Security Agency (NSA) over its spying on the American people, Breitbart News has learned.

Sen. Paul will be discussing the lawsuit in an exclusive appearance on Fox […]

Sen. Ted Cruz Speaks Against Corker-Hoeven Amendment to the Immigration Bill

Sen TedCruz YouTube 6/24/2013

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Related: 10 Problems with the Gang of Eight Immigration Bill [graphics]

The immigration debate barrels ahead in the Senate this week—and the Gang of Eight wants you to believe it’s a done deal.

The media and many Senators have been trumpeting a new amendment to the bill by […]

Shameless Dem Senators stand on corpses in Oklahoma to push climate agenda

US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse From Rhode Island Provides Erroneous Information To American Public in Global Warming Rant

Just The Facts Watts Up With That? 5/20/2013

First, I’m sure I speak for everyone at WUWT when I say that our hearts go out to all the families in Oklahoma affected by the weather tragedy there today.

