Watch defiant Planned Parenthood president as unedited fetal organ bartering footage rolls

Barbara Boland The Washington Examiner 7/26/2015

ABC “This Week’s” host George Stephanopoulos asked a series of questions that seemed designed to provoke some introspection from Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, but instead she repeatedly asserted that controversial undercover videos were “highly edited” by a “militant” anti-abortion group that seeks to “entrap doctors” who do “not […]

Republican leaders shove secret Obamatrade bill down America’s throat

Poor Richard’s News 6/23/2015

Our country suffered a massive blow today as Congress shifted Constitutional power and national sovereignty into the hands of not only the Executive Branch but foreign governments through the passage of the “fast track” trade bill known as Obamatrade…

…Just how bad is this? It’s difficult to say at this point. […]

Senate advances spy legislation but law will lapse

Susan Ferrechio The Washington Examiner 5/31/2015

A bill to extend a controversial anti-terrorism surveillance tool cleared a key Senate hurdle Sunday evening, but not in time to prevent it from expiring at midnight.

The Senate voted 77-17 to bring the USA Freedom Act to the floor for debate. The bill would extend surveillance provisions of […]

Rand Paul's patriotic act

Jack Hunter 5/23/2015

After Rand Paul’s ten hour long filibuster against a clean reauthorization of the Patriot Act Wednesday, the New York Times editorialized (emphasis added):

He may have annoyed Senate colleagues by seizing the floor for a marathon monologue on Wednesday, but Senator Rand Paul did Americans a singular service by forcing attention […]

MARK LEVIN exposes EIGHT REPUBLICANS who voted with Dems against Iran terrorism amendment

The Right Scoop 4/29/2015

Mark Levin exposes eight Senate Republicans who voted with Democrats, killing an amendment that would have required certification that Iran has not directly supported or carried out an act of terrorism against the United States before sanctions against Iran can be lifted. Levin says this is a very low bar that […]

Mitch McConnell wants to re-up the Patriot Act for another five years

Bonnie Kristian 4/23/2015

You may have heard that key provisions of the deceptively named PATRIOT Act—the law passed in the wake of 9/11 which gave the government massive new legal authority to invade our privacy and ignore the Fourth Amendment—are set to expire in June.

Most notable among what will expire is Section 215:

