Obama declares racism inhabits Americans' DNA

Andrew Malcolm Investors.com 6/23/3015

Barack Obama made a revealing — and disappointing — observation in a podcast interview the other day.

The interview with a comedian named Marc Maron received extensive news coverage because Obama used a crude term for black people, usually bleeped in audio or described in print as n—–.

But that’s not […]

Sen. Tim Scott to Obama: ‘What type of gun law would have made this situation not occur?’

Carmine Sabia BizPac Review 6/20/2015

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott has a question for President Obama after the president pushed the idea of more anti-gun legislation just hours after nine people were killed in a Charleston church.

“What type of gun law would have made this situation not occur?” Scott asked, appearing Friday on Fox […]

NBC News Reporter Maria Shriver Lies about Lack of GOP Leadership at #Selma50

Kristinn Taylor The Gateway Pundit 3/7/2015

Maria Shriver, a prominent member of the Democrat Party’s Kennedy clan and a Special Anchor for NBC News, took to Twitter Saturday evening to smear Republicans over the fiftieth anniversary observation held in Selma to mark a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights movement. Shriver falsely said that no […]

Scott on ‘F’ Grade from NAACP: ‘It’s Because I Believe That Progress Has to be Made’

Bridget Johnson PJ Media 11/6/2014

The first African-American senator to be elected from the South since reconstruction made dual history Tuesday as Tim Scott (R-S.C.) won the seat to which he was appointed after Jim DeMint’s retirement.

Scott is also the first black senator to be elected in both the House and the Senate.

“South […]

Rangel: Southern GOP Still Believes In Slavery, ‘Racial Superiority’

Alex Griswold The Daily Caller 11/5/2014

The day after the 2014 election, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Democratic Congressman Charlie Rangel whether he wanted to walk back his comments that the GOP “doesn’t believe slavery is over.”

To Blitzer’s shock, Rangel doubled down, accusing Southern Republicans of supporting slavery and believing in racial superiority…




Tim Scott is the first black senator to win election in the South since Reconstruction

Ryu Spaeth The Week 11/4/2014

South Carolina’s two Republican senators, Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott, easily won their races, making Scott the first African American to win a Senate election in the South since Reconstruction, as The Weekly Standard notes. Scott was appointed to the seat in 2013 by Gov. Nikki Haley, after then-Sen. Jim […]
