Retailer forced to apologize for Muslim employees’ refusal to sell alcohol, pork

Joe Saunders BizPac Review 12/27/2013

Bad publicity in the cybersphere paid off in an apology this week by one of Britain’s largest retailers for allowing some of its Muslim employees to refuse to sell alcohol or pork products because of their religion.

But some Muslim groups said the retail chain should be deferential to its […]

Obamacare vs. Jobs

The law discourages the hiring of full-time employees.

Jillian Kay Melchior National Review Online 11/8/2012

Job seekers will soon have a harder time finding full-time work, thanks to Obamacare. As of 2014, the law will attempt to force employers to provide insurance — but in doing so, it will have the unintended effect of making […]

Glenn’s Labor Day weekend in NYC uncovers ugly hatred on American Airlines

Glenn Beck 9/4/2012

click on the image to enlarge


The transcript is at

Update: It’s Gotten So Bad CNN is Starting Not to Cover for the Left.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper caught DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz lying about the GOP abortion platform. Has it gotten so bad for the […]
