On First Day, Democrats Propose Eight Anti-Gun Bills

Ben Shapiro Breitbart.com Big Government 4 Jan 2013

With the left looking for its next big cause, Congressional Democrats have latched onto the Sandy Hook massacre as an opportunity to push gun control. Yesterday alone, eight new bills were introduced relating to gun control. Two conservative bills were introduced relating to ending “gun free zones” […]

Active shooters in schools: The enemy is denial

Preventing juvenile mass murder in American schools is the job of police officers, school teachers, and concerned parents

Doug Wyllie PoliceOne.com 5/5/2010

“Never call an unarmed man ‘security’.”

“How many kids have been killed by school fire in all of North America in the past 50 years? Kids killed… school fire… North America… […]

A Thought Experiment Related to School Shootings

Eugene Volokh The Volokh Conspiracy 12/14/2012

Imagine that you ran a school district, and some rich foundation, worried about school shootings, gave you the following offer: We’ll hire armed security guards for you, who could try to do something about the school shooter. These aren’t going to be highly trained police officers, just typical security […]

David McCullough calls American students ‘historically illiterate’

Twitchy 11/11/2012

In the second part of a two-part “60 Minutes” interview which aired today, historian David McCullough took a swipe at American education, calling the country’s children “historically illiterate” and encouraging teachers to major in subjects other than education. McCullough was careful to spread the blame:

I ran into some students on university campuses […]

In UK Nick Clegg calls on parents to take responsibility

Parents need to do more to help teachers rather than expect them to be “surrogate mothers and fathers”, Nick Clegg will say today.

Andrew Porter Telegraph [UK] 05 Sep 2011

The Deputy Prime Minister will argue that too much is expected of teachers and it is time parents did “their bit” and not leave the […]

Lawmakers Must Shield School Choice Reforms From Lawsuits

The fate of vouchers and tax credits will be decided in the courts.

Chip Mellor Forbes.com 5/2/2011

As events in Washington, D.C., dominated headlines this spring, potentially historic education reforms in many state legislatures have gone largely unnoticed. Bills supporting parental choice through vouchers or tax credits have received unprecedented support in more than 20 […]
