Boehner dismisses conservatives’ ‘ridiculous’ reactions to budget deal

Meredith Jessup The Blaze 12/11/2013

Conservative commentators and advocacy groups — including the Heritage Foundation and Cato Institute — have come out in opposition to the Ryan-Murray proposed budget deal. But on Wednesday, House Speaker John Boehner dismissed their critiques as self-serving and “ridiculous.”…

…“They’re using our members and they’re using the American people for […]

Mark Levin: ‘It’s My Generation That Has Shredded The Constitution’

Real Clear Politics 6/1/2013

…There’s always this talk about the younger generation, upper-teens, college students, young people, young families — anywhere from about 17 and 18 to about 40, 45. But there is something wrong with them. They’re just not as good as with our generation. There is something wrong — they’re too liberal, they’re […]

Dr. Michael Coffman Discusses Agenda 21 v. Personal Property Rights

South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention via Tea Party Patriots 1/13/2013



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Peter Schiff: The real fiscal cliff

Low interest rates will rise

Peter Schiff The Washington Times 9/3/2012

As we head toward the end of the year, the media’s fixation with the congressionally imposed “fiscal cliff” will reach a fever pitch and no doubt become a major factor in the presidential campaign. The danger is supposed to arise from the simultaneous implementation […]
