Uh-oh: Obamacare’s Target Audience Doesn’t Particularly Want It.

Nick Gillespie Reason Magazine 4/4/2013

Over at Investor’s Business, the always-interesting John Merline sends word of a troubling development when it comes to Obamacare: The very people it was supposed to help the most – the uninsured – don’t seem to want the damned thing.

After looking at a series of slides posted by Health […]

CTU President Karen Lewis laughs about lying to parents, turning students into ‘hostages’




Kyle Olson EAGnews.org 3/27/2013

NEW YORK – Why is our government education system so dysfunctional? Perhaps because parents often don’t get the truth and administrators and teachers are constantly fighting each other.

That much can be discerned from the words of Karen Lewis, president of the radical Chicago Teachers Union.

Lewis […]

Louisiana Judge Rules Jindal’s Voucher Program Violates State Constitution

Tony Lee Breitbart.com Big Government 2 Dec 2012

A Louisiana judge on Friday ruled that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s landmark school voucher program violated the state’s constitution that governs how taxpayer monies can be used to fund education, ruling that state funds were “never meant to be diverted to private educational providers.”

Nearly 5,000 students […]

Senator-elect Ted Cruz advises party to re-brand, embrace 'Opportunity Conservatism'

David Catanese Politico 11/29/2012

Texas Sen.-elect Ted Cruz advised the Republican Party to rebrand itself under a banner of “Opportunity Conservatism” during a sweeping speech Thursday night that will only stoke speculation about a 2016 presidential run.

Speaking before the conservative American Principles Project dinner at a downtown Washington hotel, Cruz said the GOP’s thumping […]

Obama At DNC: ‘I Will Never Turn Medicare Into A Voucher’ – Next Day: HHS Pilot Program To Send 2 Million Poor Seniors From Medicare Into Voucher Programs…

Bear in mind that Ryan’s plan made the vouchers optional; seniors could choose the traditional government-run Medicare plan or opt for a private insurance plan from a federal exchange of approved insurers. Ryan also allows all seniors to choose, and didn’t force the poorest seniors to take the voucher option. Not only will […]

Louisiana teachers hope to recall Jindal

Robby Soave The Daily Caller 8/14/2012

Foes of school choice and other conservative education reforms have lined up to recall Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. But unlike the intense campaign in Wisconsin, no one expects this effort to even qualify for the ballot.

“They really have no chance of actually getting enough signatures,” said Kevin Mooney, […]
