'Not even a smidgen of corruption'

Michael Ramirez Investors.com 2/10/2014



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Related: Video: ‘Not even a smidgen of corruption’: Obama downplays IRS, other scandals

President Obama, in an interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, tried to put behind him the scandals that have hung over his second term, suggesting his administration […]

Sen. Lee to AG Holder: 'We have a Constitution...to protect us against the excessive accumulation of power'

Jason Howerton The Blaze 1/29/2014

Attorney General Eric Holder was unable to explain to Congress why President Barack Obama was within his constitutional limits when he issued an executive order to delay Obamacare’s employer mandate. The nation’s top law enforcement officer said he hasn’t looked at the analysis in “some time” and thus was unsure […]

Cruz Files Amicus Brief on Behalf of Senators Defending Religious Liberty from Obamacare Contraception Mandate

The Administration is ignoring the law in implementing Obamacare, while violating the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act by enforcing Obamacare’s contraception mandate.

Senator Ted Cruz Senate.gov 1/28/2014

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, joined by Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, Mike Lee, R-Utah, and David Vitter, R-La., filed an amicus brief […]

NYTs: Obamacare Burdens the Middle Class

Keith Koffler White House Dossier 12/21/2013

…The middle class, of course, is not what this White House is about. Its incessant assertions of providential care for average income earners has a distinct doth protest too much, methinks, ring to it. Rather, the White House’s voluble concern for the middle class is a political tactic – […]

Ten takeaways from Kathleen Sebelius' testimony

Susan Ferrechio The Washington Examiner 10/30/2013

…– Participation is a mystery. Enrollment numbers are still unavailable but will be provided by Sebelius in mid-November. “We do not have reliable enrollment data,” Sebelius said.

– Obamacare is not for Obama staff. Sebelius said she can’t enroll in the new health care exchanges because her health care […]

Senator who yearns for single payer health care to Senator Ted Cruz: ‘Takes a bit of nerve’ to say Obamacare was ‘rammed down our throats,’ fails to mention no one read the law that was passed by one party, his Congressional exemption from the law

Dem Sen To Cruz: “Takes A Bit Of Nerve” To Say Obamacare Was “Rammed Down Our Throats”

Real Clear Politics 9/23/2013

CHRIS HAYES: I want to talk budget process with you, which, man, will that keep the viewers around. But before we get to that — no, because I have to confess, I do this […]
