Take a Look At How a Group of Conservative Students Taunted Environmental Protesters on Wall Street

Oliver Darcy The Blaze 9/23/2014

A group of conservative students counter-protested environmental demonstrators on Wall Street Tuesday by carrying a cardboard cutout of President Ronald Reagan to the iconic financial site.

Kings College student Campbell Moore said he and a few friends living in the school’s House of Ronald Reagan decided to take action when […]

Prison For D’Souza, Beach Time For Corzine

Selective enforcement of the law is a dangerous thing.

Mollie Hemingway The Federalist 5/21/2014

Conservative author Dinesh D’Souza pleaded guilty to breaking campaign finance laws. He was accused of having urged two friends to make $10,000 contributions to a Senate candidate and then reimbursing them. This is an illegal work-around of campaign contribution limits.

He […]

Hillary Clinton: No Reason To Continue Benghazi Investigation

Washington Free Beacon YouTube 5/7/2014

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Related: The four Ds of the Democrats’ Benghazi strategy: Deny, Delay, Disrupt, Discredit

President Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress and the mainstream media face a huge problem in House Speaker John Boehner’s decision to appoint a select committee headed by Rep. Trey Gowdy to […]

Goldman to Fidelity Call for Calm After Global Stock Wipeout

Weiyi Lim and Inyoung Hwang Bloomberg 2/4/2014

…Strategists from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. to AMP Capital Investors and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are also telling clients to hang on after losses that began with currencies in Turkey and Argentina spread to developed markets. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index slid 2.3 percent yesterday, capping its […]

The Truth About Valerie Jarrett, Mystery Woman of the White House

“When we go to the White House we talk to people we wouldn’t hire.”


The close adviser and friend of the Obamas is one of DC’s most powerful people—but what exactly does she do

Carol Felsenthal Chicago Magazine 1/31/2014

What exactly does Valerie Jarrett—the Chicagoan often described as a big sister […]

Goldman-Hillary alliance secure

Bruce Johnson American Thinker 11/2/2013

…It is order viagra without prescription for all to witness the constant parade of ex Goldman Sachs executives to high position in the United States Government. They seem to find lofty positions closely linked to their actual business activities with remarkable regularity. Treasury Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, New York […]
