July 16, 1969

CBS NEWS Coverage of the Launch of Apollo 11 Part 6 (The Launch)

zellco321 YouTube 10/25/2009

From July 16th 1969 Walter Cronkite reports live from the Kennedy Space Center

Apollo 11 crew Commander : Neil Armstrong

Command Module Pilot : Michael Collins

Lunar Module Pilot: Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.






This is who we were

“…I am very proud of the Americans…”

24 December 2010

At 4:17 PM EDT on 20th July 1969 Apollo 11 touched down on the Moon. Later that night, at 10:56 PM, the 38 year old astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first man to step foot on its surface.

We had forgotten the […]

Verum Serum: Cronkite was a Leftist Hack

John Verum Serum 5/15/2010

If you’re a conservative this is more of a dog bites man story. But it’s always worth correcting the historical record where possible:

Legendary CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite allegedly collaborated with anti-Vietnam War activists in the 1960s, going so far as to offer advice on how to raise the public […]
