Tea Party’s ‘Occupy the Truth for Peace and Justice’ tomorrow in Cleveland

Tea Party Organizers Announce Additional Speakers to All-Star Lineup

Jim Hoft

—–Director of Hating Breitbart, Andrew Marcus, and Blogger Powerhouse Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit announce additional speakers for the Tea Party Protest “Occupy The Truth” set for August 18th in Cleveland, Ohio—–

We welcome conservative firebrands: Tony KatzSonnie Johnson and Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin to our all-star list of speakers.

Please join us on August 18th in Cleveland, Ohio.


–Chris Loesch Graphics

For more information or to schedule interviews, contact Jim Hoft (@GatewayPundit) at midwestjim@charter.net and Andrew Marcus (@HatingBreitbart) contact@hatingbreitbart.com

SOURCE: Hating Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Cleveland Tea Party Patriots

** Please feel free to register here if you plan on attending the rally.

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