Quin Hillyer
The American Spectator
If McCarthyism means the vicious and unfair smearing of somebody in public life, especially via toxic labels, then the most common refuge of a real McCarthyite is to throw around allegations of McCarthyism. With MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and Missouri’s Democratic U.S. Senator-by-Luck Claire McCaskill both acting the part of Joe McCarthy against freshman Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, conservative leaders are stepping up to the plate to defend the brilliant and principled rising star. Reported CNS: “‘Rather than whispering condemnation off the record to reporters, GOP senators should follow his lead,’ said ForAmerica Chairman Brent Bozell.” And, from Frank Cannon of the American Principles Project: “We are pleased he is shaking up Washington and doing exactly what the people of Texas elected him to do.”
National Review Online’s editors also chimed in, directly attacking Matthew’s vile charges of “McCarthyism”…
The article continues at The American Spectator.
Related: Liberal Democrat Lanny Davis: Cruz ‘Absolutely Correct’ to Call for Hagel Disclosure
…This is a recurring theme from the left and from media analysts. They continue to hammer and demonize Cruz as the second coming of Joe McCarthy for his line of questioning last week. Here is the video of Sen. Cruz explaining why he wanted the disclosure from Hagel. According to the left, this is tantamount to questioning Hagel’s patriotism…
…Further, the breathless attack from the New York Times this weekend included this extended quote from Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) comparing Cruz to McCarthy, but the Times neglected to print any actual quote of Cruz from the hearing itself. They merely allowed the Democrats to tell their readers he was awful…
Hagel Declined to Sign Schumer Letter in 2007 Asking Arab Allies to Recognize Israel
Former Sen. Chuck Hagel declined to sign a letter circulated by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) in 2007 calling upon then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to press Arab allies of the U.S. to recognize Israel’s right to exist “and not use such recognition as a bargaining chip for future Israeli concessions.” Seventy-nine Senators eventually signed the letter, which was sponsored by Schumer and by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)…
Also, Hagel 2007: U.S. Acting Like ‘Schoolyard Bully’; ’08 Candidates Too Hard on Iran
Update: Comity? Kennedy And Clinton Make Cruz Look Like A Kitten