Stossel: The Arrogance of Health Care Reform

Why do politicians with no business experience think they can run 15 percent of the economy?

John Stossel
July 23, 2009

It’s crazy for a group of mere mortals to try to design 15 percent of the U.S. economy. It’s even crazier to do it by August.

Yet that is what some members of Congress presume to do. They intend, as the New York Times puts it, “to reinvent the nation’s health care system.”

Let that sink in. A handful of people who probably never even ran a small business actually think they can reinvent the health care system.

Politicians and bureaucrats clearly have no idea how complicated markets are. Every day people make countless tradeoffs, in all areas of life, based on subjective value judgments and personal information as they delicately balance their interests, needs and wants. Who is in a better position than they to tailor those choices to best serve their purposes? Yet the politicians believe they can plan the medical market the way you plan a birthday party…

Entire article and embedded links at Stossel on Health Care Reform

John Stossel is co-anchor of ABC News’ 20/20 and the author of Myth, Lies, and Downright Stupidity. He has a new blog on the ABC News site.

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