Baron Bodissey
Gates of Vienna
Regular readers need no introduction to Lars Hedegaard, the Danish free speech activist who has worked tirelessly for the Counterjihad for many years. He is the chairman of Trykkefrihedsselskabet (the Danish Free Press Society) and the editor of the newspaper Dispatch International (for which I do occasional editing).
This morning an attempt was made to assassinate Lars at his home in Copenhagen. If the assailant’s gun hadn’t jammed, I might have been writing Lars’ obituary instead of this report. As it is, Lars is unharmed, but in shock over what happened. The police believe two men were involved in the attempted murder, and both of them are still at large.
The Danish media have not hesitated to describe the culturally enriched appearance of the main attacker, and some reports describe him as a Pakistani. Danish television says that all politicians in the parliament are talking about the situation. Normal work has been suspended…
The article continues at Gates of Vienna.
Related articles at the site:
Mark Steyn on Today’s Events in Copenhagen
…Well, it’s dangerous to be Lars Hedegaard, or Lars Vilks, or Geert Wilders or Ayaan Hirsi Ali — while there’s surely nothing safer than peddling “dangerous” “edgy” cobwebbed multiculti pieties and knowing that, whatever words you utter, there will never come a day when you’ll be called on to bet your house and your savings and perhaps your life on them.
That’s what Lars did this morning, in one of the oldest free societies on earth. On the Continent, for the few who talk about Islam and Europe life is not “benign and highly profitable” but comes at a very steep price…
There has been a massive outpouring of support for Lars Hedegaard in the wake of yesterday’s failed assassination attempt. Geert Wilders was prominent among those expressing their solidarity when he tweeted: “Murder attempt on my friend and Islam critic Lars Hedegaard this morning in Denmark. My thoughts are with him. Long live Lars!”
Last night and this morning the Scandinavian coverage of yesterday’s events was notable for its omission of any mention of Dispatch International, the newspaper recently launched by Lars Hedegaard and the Swedish journalist Ingrid Carlqvist. (Full disclosure: I do occasional English-language editing for this excellent publication.)
Dispatch tackles issues the Swedish press dares not touch, and does so in Swedish, Danish, and English. It has thus become a thorn in the side of the Swedish establishment, and to a lesser extent the elites in Denmark. It is demonized and denigrated in the Swedish press — in much the same way the Sweden Democrats are — when it is not ostentatiously ignored…
…I can only repeat what I have already said to one of the Danish dailies: I would rather die than shut up.
They may kill us but there will always be people determined to stand up for our most precious right — the right of free expression…
“We Have Always Been Aware That This is a Dangerous Project”
…02:10 Ingrid Carlqvist is convinced that their new newspaper,
02:13 rather than earlier statements by Lars Hedegaard
02:16 in his role as chairman of the Danish Free Press Society,
02:18 is the reason for the assassination attempt.
02:20 What’s new is that the newspaper is now published on a weekly basis,
02:26 filled with revealing, investigative articles about Islam and Islamization.
02:33 The first issue of Dispatch International was published on January 3rd,
02:36 and the internet edition has suffered several hacker attacks.
02:39 The vice-chairman of the Danish Free Press Society,
02:42 Katrine Winkel-Holm, a close friend of Lars Hedegaard,
02:45 also believes that the newspaper can be the cause for the assassination attempt.
02:49 The fact that Lars Hedegaard continues his criticism of Islam,
02:52 loudly, systematically and to great effect in Sweden,
02:55 may be the reason for the attack we have witnessed…
If There Were No Death Penalty For Apostasy, There Would Be No Islam
When you watch the clip below, bear in mind that the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen, is now officially considered an ally of the United States of America. We gave F-16s to their government in Egypt, we have shoveled untold millions of dollars of aid into their coffers, and we are bankrolling the Syrian franchise of the Brotherhood (not to mention Syrian Al Qaeda) in its violent attempts to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad.
Yusuf al-Qaradawi is an Egyptian-born fundamentalist cleric and a prominent leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Ikhwan was suppressed by the Egyptian establishment for decades, so Sheikh Qaradawi lived in exile in Qatar for almost fifty years, until February 2011, when the Arab Spring enabled him to return to Egypt in triumph.
In the interview below, Mr. al-Qaradawi not only acknowledges that Islam prescribes the death penalty for apostasy, but that if it weren’t for this little nicety of Islamic law, Islam could not have survived as an ideology. Unfortunately, since the interview was conducted in Arabic, you won’t be seeing this issue raised in the American MSM anytime soon…
At American Thinker, Diana West Interviewed about Failed Hedegaard Assassination Attempt
Diana West was interviewed by Canadian Sun TV’s Michael Coren on the failed assassination attempt against Danish journalist Lars Hedegaard.
There has been no similar coverage of this latest Islamic assault on Western free speech by U.S. television media, including both Fox News and Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV. (The latter has declined to even have its own correspondent, Tiffany Gabbay, discuss this outrage on the air, as she did in a fine column.)
At any rate, Diana explains why Hedegaard remains a defiant “Lion Among the Dhimmi” –including the dhimmi at our “conservative” American television media outlets…
Watch the video here.
Update: Danish Champion of Free Speech Almost Assassinated …Europe today, here tomorrow? At Breitbart.