Big Peace
9 Jun 2013
So which should we be more afraid of? The US Government and its scandalous–even tyrannous–intrusions on our finances and privacy? Or foreign enemies with their explosives, cyber-weapons, and nukes?
Is your answer “both,” I agree. But we will all have to get used to these threats, because neither are going anywhere. In 1961, John F. Kennedy described the Cold War as a “long twilight struggle,” and he was right. The Cold War was finally won, 30 years later, but at enormous cost. And as we all know, new enemies, domestic and foreign, have developed since.
Yes, the US government is scary. We now realize that seemingly every electronic communication service in the country has been tapped by Uncle Sam. When we learn that the National Security Agency (NSA) has a program called “Boundless Informant”–well, we’d better believe it.
But come on, admit: You already kind of knew this was happening, didn’t you?…
The article continues at Big Peace.
Related: Obama’s Bat Cave: $1.9 Billion Data Center Set to Open in October
…The personal data and private online conversations that the National Security Administration is accused of mining could be stashed in a one million square-foot, $1.9 billion facility in the Utah Valley.
Concerns over what the government will store at the Utah Data Center have been reinvigorated by the revelation that U.S. intelligence agencies have been extracting audio, video, photos, e-mails, documents and other information to track people’s movements and contacts. …
Plans released by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which is handling the construction, show the center will have four ‘data halls’ to store information and two substations to power the facility.
Sure sounds like the Bat Cave to me; and it sure sounds like, at the very least, President Obama owes George W. Bush a very public apology.
Update: CBS Analyst: Rogue Agents Could ‘Put Lots of People at Risk’ with NSA Data
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