By Lloyd Marcus
American Thinker
October 4, 2009
Is God back? While watching the Glenn Beck program, three women, yes I said three, boldly proclaimed their Christianity and how their decision to follow Christ has affected their politics. Other than religious programs, people do not talk about their faith on TV without being portrayed as fanatics or nut cases. It was truly refreshing. Could this mean God is back from exile from the public square?
Another Beck show guest was a black man, Charles V. Payne, founder, CEO and Chief Analyst of Wall Street Strategies. Payne shared his moving tale of growing up in a poor inner city neighborhood. He said his fellow black students beat him up daily for “speaking too white”, getting good grades and daring to have a dream of becoming a businessman. “The kids were not simply jealous of me, they were extremely hostile” said Payne. He attributes the black students’ negative attitudes to a victim and entitlement mindset instilled in them by liberals.
I thought to myself, “Wow!” Black people do not come on TV and tell the truth about the negative effects liberalism has had on the black community. Nor, does anyone hold blacks accountable. Blacks are victims. Every and any problem they could possibly have is the fault of rich, racist, conservative, white Republicans. I mean, everybody knows that!
And then there is the hyphenated American thing. I have shared with you that while I was performing on the Tea Party Express Tour, I opened the rallies by saying, “I am not an African American. I am Lloyd Marcus….AMERICAN!” The audience erupted with applause at all 34 rallies. This hyphenated American thing is like the fairy tale, The Emperor’s New Clothes. It appears most Americans dislike hyphenating. However, enslaved by political correctness and a desire to appear enlightened, sensitive and educated, everyone simply went along with the program. Like the little boy in the story who spoke the truth, my public rejection of hyphenating is liberating Americans across America. I am inundated with letters of thanks and support.
Something unexpected and wonderful is happening across America folks. The Tea Party Movement has awakened a powerful sleeping giant silent majority. Americans are starting to say, “no” to political correctness; “no” to banning God from the public square, “no” to politicians who ignore the Will of the people, “no” to secular progressives and “no” to dead beats who think they are entitled due to their skin color, sex, economic status or whatever. “Enough!” is the battle cry of millions of Tea Party protesters.
Mr. Marcus’s article continues at American Thinker.