Eddie Scarry
The Blaze
In one of those rare occasions where USA Today takes what’s known as “a position,” the editorial board today writes that the woes labor unions face today are largely of their own making:
Labor’s bigger problem is that the vote is a symptom of its declining power. Globalization and technology have weakened its hand, but the unions have also lost public support through their own actions. Inflexible private-sector unions have helped make companies less competitive (and therefore less able to hire workers), while public-sector unions have taken state and local governments for a ride, leaving taxpayers with trillions of dollars in pension and retiree health care liabilities. …
Something similar happened in the recent demise of Twinkies’ maker Hostess. Its bakers union refused to recognize that the company was hemorrhaging money in an industry plagued by an excess in antiquated plants. The result is that 15,000 jobs have disappeared when some could have been saved.