From JammieWearingFool
September 4, 2009
…The pathetic aspect of this is the obvious non-vetting of Jones or the likelihood Jones was vetted and Obama found nothing offensive about this man (emphasis CAJ). Apparently the tech-savvy wizards at the White House are too incompetent to run a simple search, as many are now in the process of doing.
Now we find Jones also has a thing for the cop-killing darling of the left, Mumia Abu Jamal. This is from 10 years ago, obviously pre-dating Jones’ later hook-up with other radicals in the Truther movement.
Supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal, a death row inmate convicted for the 1981 shooting death of a Philadelphia police officer, said the protest was called after the Supreme Court on Monday rejected claims that Abu-Jamal, a former radio journalist and Black Panther, did not receive a fair trial.
“We knew there was another event going on, but the timing of the court decision is what dictated when the protest was held,” said Van Jones, a San Francisco civil rights lawyer who helped coordinate the protest march.…
…Commenter Martin says:
After the Professor Gates/Officer Crowley incident, this is JUST what President Obama needed to mend fences with all the police officers he insulted.
Read the entire blog entry and its embedded links here.