Wade Rathke admits: ‘Economic Terrorism’ engineer Stephen Lerner is still on SEIU Payroll

Scott Baker
The Blaze

On Sunday morning, The Blaze posted a story about the “return” of ACORN on the world-wide scene. While reading through some of the background material on that story, I noticed something significant.

ACORN founder Wade Rathke has been busy mocking the story that broke on The Blaze earlier this week about a multi-front plot to target JP Morgan Chase in an attempt to crash the stock market. We’ll look at his criticisms in a second. No need to bury the lede here. Rathke seems to answer the question we’ve been asking all week — does bank plotter Stephen Lerner still work for SEIU? Rathke says Lerner is still very much on the SEIU payroll:

Lerner has not been “fired” by SEIU as they report. He was placed on paid leave last fall to think through his contribution to the union, but was certainly present at the recent international executive board meeting.

This is important for several reasons — not the least of which is that this ties the plot to destroy the American economy much more closely within the ranks of the organization that time and time again President Obama has declared to be most important to him strategically and politically…

The article continues at The Blaze.

Related from The Blaze, Scary? Even Communists Surprised at ‘Radicalization’ of WI Dems

Update: ACORN Returns! Sets up Shop Internationally in Egypt, South Korea, and Prague.

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