…And Did They Ever
Mike Opelka
The Blaze
You’ve probably seen the newly-released photo of President Barack Obama doing what he says they do “all the time” — skeet shooting at Camp David.
The photo carried a standard notice from the White House concerning how the picture is used:
“This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.”
Following the release of the picture, Obama adviser David Plouffe sent a tweet basically daring people to mock the image.
So naturally, the American people took up Plouffe’s challenge. Less than 24 hours later, we have amassed a few of the edited photos that are currently circling the Internet…
…The tutu seems to be a popular choice for the president’s wardrobe on the range — it appeared in more than one photo:
The article continues with more photos at The Blaze.
Related: Ratimous Dogimous shared this image with The Blacksphere on Facebook. Kevin Jackson commented: “0 dreams of the good ol’ days when shooting Americans was legal….oh but wait……..”
We don’t know who is responsible for this one, but we found it on Don Surber’s Facebook page. That is former Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis for those of you who are too young to recognize the photo. Look him up.
Source: Obama ‘Couldn’t Have Been More Uncomfortable’ at Skeet Shooting Event
“I was there. He stayed for about five minutes, and couldn’t leave fast enough.”
Photo of Obama Shooting Skeet Complete Fraud, like his Presidency
…Why would the President of the United States go to such efforts to lie to the American people about something as simple as shooting a shotgun? …
CAJ note: Many of our gun-enthusiast friends swear the original photo is already photo-shopped, and certainly posed (since skeet shooting is done in an upward angle). So all this fun everyone’s having with the original? No harm, no foul.
We anticipate tomorrow will bring the plethora of “Obama playing in the Super Bowl” images…
Update: Skeetgate Pushback
…If you want me to agree that low jobs numbers and an economy coughing up blood is more important than whether Obama was actually doing what he claims he was doing in the image, I will also agree. But with a caveat.
Sure, the release of the image was likely timed to coincide with the release of even more bad jobs news but it is just as likely that Obama initially brought the issue up to coincide with and support last week’s Senate anti-Second Amendment hearing. Are we to just let that pass without criticism? Do we pretend that Obama and his media lapdogs haven’t been spending massive amounts of time and energy trying to curb our Second Amendment rights?…
Also, I liked it so much…at Legal Insurrection
Pull: White House releases photo of Obama shooting
Update 2: Photoshop This: Do Not Photoshop This!
I noticed that too: Why is Obama ‘shooting skeet with a rifle,’ why an ‘assault’ model, and why is he aiming so low (while wearing mom jeans)? No need to photoshop a photo that’s already absurd.
Update 3: Political Follies:
Yikes, I just found out that the president has issued an executive order that this photo, if it is a photo, is not to be manipulated in any way. Yes, he says, he understands that the entire rest of the internet is subject to photoshop manipulation. And yes he saw some of those hilarious … err … terrible photoshops of President Bush, but this is different. This is probably racist.
Run Honey Boo Boo! Ruuuuuun!