White House Visitor May Have Ties to ‘The Project’ – A Muslim Roadmap for Infiltrating the West

Mytheos Holt
The Blaze

A Muslim Brotherhood operative who visited the White House in March also has ties to a manifesto called “The Project” that turned out to be a Muslim roadmap for infiltrating and defeating the West, according to a documentary film being released tonight on TheBlaze TV.

The visit by Hisham Yahya Al-Talib, who also has ties to several major U.S. Islamic organizations, was billed as an exercise in “faith outreach.”

It may well have been, but to treat Al-Talib as a garden variety faith leader would be severely mistaken. He is anything but – in fact, his connections to the more problematic elements of the Muslim Brotherhood run deep, as Michelle Malkin has documented in her column today, which runs through the laundry list of connections Al-Talib enjoys…

…For those wanting more information on “The Project,” TheBlaze TV will be airing a documentary tonight at 8 PM surrounding the document. Click here for details on the documentary of “The Project.”

Read the entire article at The Blaze.

RelatedThe Project:

In 2001, an inconspicuous manifesto now known as “The Project” was recovered during a raid in Switzerland: A manifesto that turned out to be a Muslim roadmap for infiltrating and defeating the West. Today, files containing evidence from the largest terror financing trial in U.S. history, which include details about “The Project”, are being withheld by the Department of Justice.

In an explosive two-part mini-series, TheBlaze documentary unit investigates how the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the American government and exposes how our nation’s safety is in jeopardy as a result of this dangerous government cover up.


The Muslim Brotherhood “Project”  [PDF]

Muslim Brotherhood memo for U.S. infiltration: “An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.” [PDF]

1963 Communist Goals

Also from The Blaze, Beck Speaks to 143,000 Catholics About Voting & Politics During Tele-Townhall: ‘God Will Not Hold Us Guiltless’

CAJ note: Everyone from CAJ sat in on that call last night. We believe it is worth listening to the recording at The Blaze no matter your religious beliefs. The conversation was a call to action for people of faith.

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