Sandra Fish
Politics Daily
Talk about your preemptive strike.
The success of national health care reform legislation is still an uncertainty, but some states are already taking measures to keep federal hands off their citizens.
Thursday, Virginia became the first state to enact a law exempting its residents from any health insurance mandates. It’s one of 36 states where lawmakers are trying to head off potential federal legislation.
While Virginia enacted a statute, 25 other states are considering constitutional changes, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Virtually all the proposals object to mandates requiring individuals or businesses to buy health insurance…
…But not all the actions being considered apply simply to federal law. Some of the constitutional provisions would also prohibit future state lawmakers from enacting any sorts of health insurance mandates or enacting any sort of single-payer system. Some measures don’t even refer to the federal government, Cauchi said…
The entire article is at Politics Daily.
Also, from the Tenth Amendment Center, “Missouri House Passes Health Care Freedom Act”:
The Missouri State House has passed House Joint Resolution 48 (HJR48). The legislation, known as the “Missouri Health Care Freedom Act” seeks to make public policy for the state that every person within the state of Missouri is and shall be free to choose or decline to choose any mode of securing health care services without penalty or threat of penalty by the federal government of the United States of America…The resolution passed by a vote of 113-40, and is awaiting transmittal to the State Senate…
The Tenth Amendment Center has other states’ updates here.