22 April 2010
CAJ note–Back in 1970 our editor participated in the first Earth Day as a high school student in a rural town, an event that was little more than a trash clean-up day organized by a small group of teenagers. Forty years of progressive education, media, legislation, and public relations have made the day virtually unrecognizable to those who involved themselves decades ago. The video below conveys our feelings about what progressivism has done to something that began as a common-sense idea: clean your area and leave things better than you found them. At CAJ we live very “green” lives of our own choosing, but we do not believe in the enforcement of a one-size-fits-all approach to this or any other problem. Children and adolescents view life as “either/or”, black or white. But a mature thinker understands that complex problems can only be solved by an array of thoughtful solutions.
For the purpose of disclaimer, no one at Common American Journal owns an Audi nor is this an endorsement of the company. We just love this commercial.
Thanks to Eurotuner: