Solar Energy: Popular but Corrupt

Warren Beatty
American Thinker

No one has ever been against solar energy.  Far from it.  In fact, according to a recent survey by Kelton Research, 92% of Americans say it’s important for the U.S. to develop and use solar energy.  This support for solar power is consistent across political party affiliation, with 89% of Republicans, 94% of Democrats, and 93% of independents agreeing that it is important for the U.S. to develop and use solar power.

“Americans overwhelmingly want clean, reliable solar energy for their homes and businesses,” said Rhone Resch, President and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association.

The same Kelton Research survey found that 77% of Americans feel the federal government should make solar power development a national priority, including the financial support needed.  But (and there is always a “but”) here is where politics enters the solar energy picture.  The phrase “including the financial support needed” is where President Barack Hussein Obama and the Department of Energy (DOE) are abusing their powers by funneling subsidies, grants, loan guarantees, and loans to campaign contributors.

A former Obama campaign staffer suggested in February, 2011, that DOE Secretary Dr. Steven Chu be fired to counter GOP attacks that surely are coming over Solyndra and other DOE deals that have gone to Obama donors and have, ah, “underperformed,” or have gone bankrupt…

The article continues at American Thinker.

Article and graphic H/T

I feel like I have to say this periodically as we highlight the massive corruption in Obama’s various “green energy” initiatives. We like alternative energy. We think it has an important place in the future of energy. However, we are not for the subsidization of these technologies and we are certainly not for the extensive “green graft” we have seen under the current presidential administration.

The…article does a good job of summing up some of the most egregious examples of green graft.

Update: Obama’s arrogant Solyndra flip flop, video from GBTV

…“This guy will take credit for absolutely everything that goes right, and anything that goes wrong—not his fault,” Glenn pointed out…

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