A Tidal Wave Is Brewing

By Henry Lamb
October 12, 2009

Rep. John Shadegg has been trying to get a bill enacted for 15 years that would simply require legislators to cite the constitutional authority for any legislation that is proposed. His bill is called the Enumerated Powers Act (HR450). It now has 52 co-sponsors, but there is very little chance that it will ever get to the floor for a vote.

Why? Because the Democrats in Congress will not allow it.

This bill would not be necessary if the Democrats would simply follow their own rules. House Rule XIII (3)(d)(1) requires:

“Each report of a committee on a public bill or public joint resolution shall contain the following: A statement citing the specific powers granted to Congress in the Constitution to enact the law proposed by the bill or joint resolution.”

That’s right. The rules of procedure in the House of Representatives already require that every bill or resolution cite the constitutional authority for the proposed legislation. This rule is routinely ignored.

Why? Because Democrats control the Rules Committee and the entire House of Representatives, and they routinely “waive” or “suspend” this rule.

Some people remember when Nancy Pelosi stood on her pedestal and proclaimed: “This leadership team will create the most honest, most open, and most ethical Congress in history” (November 16, 2006). Ignoring a House rule is a minor offense, compared to the corruption that Ms. Pelosi readily accepts when it affects her Democratic colleagues.

The article continues at GOPUSA.com

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