Bill Whittle – Western Conservative Summit 2013

Centennial Institute Centennial Institute

Bill Whittle addressed the Western Conservative Summit 2013.

Whittle is an American conservative blogger, political commentator, director, screenwriter, editor, pilot, and author. He is best known for his PJ Media internet videos and short films, one of which, “Three and a Half Days”, has been viewed more than 2.4 million times on YouTube as of November 2012. He is currently the presenter of Afterburner and The Firewall, and co-hosts Trifecta with Stephen Green and Scott Ott. In addition, Whittle has interviewed a number of political personalities as a commentator.

He is a former National Review Online contributor and has been a guest on the Fox News Channel, The Dennis Miller Show, Sun TV, and national radio programs. His first book, Silent America: Essays from a Democracy at War, was published in 2004. Since 2009, Whittle has been a featured speaker at universities and a number of Republican and Tea Party events throughout the United States. He is also the co-founder of Declaration Entertainment, an independent film studio, and a narrator for Encounter Books.



H/T Gates of Vienna, “Kneecapping the Progressives.” An article worth reading.


Related: From The Washington Times  :

Former Florida Rep. Allen West had harsh words of criticism for nationally known civil rights activists like Jesse Jackson and the Rev. Al Sharpton, who have remained silent on a video showing black teens beating a white boy, 13, on a school bus: “Ya’ll just make me sick.”…



Update: These headlines today at RealClearPolitics serve to make Bill Whittle’s point:

Melissa Harris-Perry: Income, Achievement & Accomplishment Do Not Wipe Away Inequality

Obama: Republicans Are Unified “In Making Sure 30 Million People Don’t Have Health Care”



Update 2‘Past Due’

…Past due? You dare send me a letter marked “Past Due” as you beg for more contributions?
I’ll tell you what is past due. It is way past due for the Republican leadership in this country to understand, acknowledge and articulate that ours is a republic of a limited federal government confined to enumerated powers, not an elitist mob that does whatever the hell it pleases….
Read the whole thing.

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