Tulsa World Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Dan Boren said Congress should use the power of the purse to push the Obama administration to remove so-called czars that do not go through a confirmation process.
Responding to questions during a telephonic town hall, the Oklahoma Democrat said he was glad Van Jones, who resigned over the weekend as controversy continued to build over past statements, has left his post.
Boren joined others in criticizing the growing trend to name czars to lead efforts in specific areas.
Such officials do not go through oversight hearings or a confirmation vote in the Senate.
Boren referred to them as unelected bureaucrats who do not answer to lawmakers. “It is something I have heard a lot about,’’ he said.
Even though such czars do not go through a confirmation process, Boren cited the “authority’’ that came along with the congressional control over the power of the purse.
He also singled out Cass Sunstein, who was picked by Obama to be the administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Office of Management and Budget.
Boren cited Sunstein’s reported views on animal rights, adding they are out of step with those of Oklahomans.
“I don’t believe he should be appointed to anything,’’ Boren said.
The entire article is here.