Bye-Bye, Privacy

“You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system.”


The other problem with

Jonathan V. Last
The Weekly Standard
Vol. 19, No. 10

Americans are methodically dealing with the Kübler-Ross stages of Obama-care grief, with our national healing process moving briskly through roughly one stage per week: (1) denial upon realizing that the website didn’t work; (2) anger at the realization that the technical back-end of the exchanges is as dysfunctional as the front-end of the site; (3) shock at the cancellation of plans and increase of premiums; and (4) depression at the prospect of losing access to doctors, too. We’re ready to move on to the fifth stage: acceptance that privacy will also be a casualty of…

…When members of Congress questioned Kathleen Sebelius about privacy concerns last month, the secretary of health and human services protested, “I would tell you we are storing the minimum amount of data, because we think that’s very important. The hub is not a data collector.”

It’s difficult to imagine what Sebelius was thinking. “The hub”​—​meaning the web portal that is​—​does not collect medical records to store away on government servers. But it does collect all sorts of data about you, which it keeps attached to your account.

Yet what worries people about the site isn’t that is a “data collector”; the concern is that it’s a data sieve…


Read the entire article at The Weekly Standard.



Related:  House committee concerned over Obamacare cyber security deficiencies

The House of Representatives’ GOP-led Homeland Security Committee will hold a hearing on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013, in order to thoroughly examine the cyber security deficiencies of President Barack Obama’s healthcare web site, the committee’s chairman, Michael McCaul, R-Texas, announced on Friday…



Obamacare Leaves Doctors On the Hook for Deadbeats

Tucked inside nearly 11,000 pages of the Affordable Care Act is a little-known provision that doles out three months of free health care to individuals who choose to default on their premiums…

…“The hospitals, doctors and insurance companies will be left holding the bag. There will be disagreements over who will pay for what. Lawyers will get involved because we are talking about a lot of money,” [Rep. Louie Gohmert] said…



Another Obamacare surprise: Major hospitals all across the country not included under new insurance plans

As if the millions of Americans set to lose their existing health insurance coverage as a result of Obamacare was not bad enough, a recent survey by has found that many top hospitals across the nation will no longer be accessible to the average person with a new “eligible” plan. In fact, many major hospitals are being excluded from Obamacare coverage altogether, which means that millions of previously covered individuals will have to settle for subpar care at other “in-network” facilities…



Kathleen Sebelius announces new mental health parity requirements for health insurers

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Friday said that new requirements imposed on insurance companies by Obamacare will require those companies to treat mental illness and addiction that same as physical illness, creating “the largest behavioral health expansion in a generation.”

Sebelius made the announcement at a mental health symposium in Atlanta…



Update:    See The Pain: Interactive Infographic How Obamacare Affects Your Premiums

…the Manhattan Institute for Policy viagra prices Research…did a great job compiling all the average insurance premium data for all 57 states in the union wherein they show how much the rates have increased for different age brackets…



Update 2Confirmed: ObamaCare Is Communism

Damned straight ObamaCare is communism. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to a guy who would know — reformed communist activist David Horowitz: David Horowitz on Hannity “The Black Book Of The American Left” from DHFC on Vimeo…



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