Clinton Library’s Doc Dump Reveals CRA Fueled Subprime Bubble

Editorials 4/25/2014

Subprime Scandal: Newly released memos from the Clinton presidential library reveal evidence the government had a big hand in the housing crisis. The worst actors were in the White House, not on Wall Street.

During the 1990s, former Clinton aides bragged that more aggressive enforcement of the Community Reinvestment Act pressured banks […]

Bill de Blasio’s Other Party

How the Working Families party is coming to power.

John Fund National Review Online 1/15/2014

…Mayor de Blasio isn’t going to have to negotiate with Working Families, because he is in large part their creation. He helped found the party, used the discounted services of their grassroots organizers to win election to the city council […]

Common Core Roots Lie in Ties Between Barack Obama, Bill Ayers

Dr. Susan Berry Big Government 5 Dec 2013

  In an article published on Monday that advocates for Common Core standards, the Associated Press presents what amounts to the typical talking points for supporters when faced with criticism that Common Core is a federal takeover of education.

The standards were created by the National […]

Rigging the Future

Glenn Reynolds Instapundit 11/26/2013

DAVID STEINBERG: Rigging The Future: Obamacare Creates 50 New State Databases With No Function Beyond Gathering Potential Voter Information, Real or Fraudulent. “These new databases mail out voter registration forms automatically. You cannot refuse them. No worthwhile verification occurs before the forms are mailed. Apply for Medicaid and the form will […]

Not This Time, Mr. Soros

Debra Mullins American Thinker 11/5/2012

…In 2006, George Soros and his Democracy Alliance comrades formed Secretary of State Project (SOSP), a 527 group whose primary aim is to help elect left-leaning secretaries of state, who will theoretically oversee the ballot recounts in battleground states for elections that are too close to call. The group was […]
