Congratulations, Americans: The government owns your bodies

Jim Treacher The Daily Caller 6/28/2012

Remember this?

Never mind.

BREAKING: Liberals to collectively retract their “politicized Court has no honor” pieces.

— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) June 28, 2012

Read the rest of the article, with more video, at The Daily Caller.

“Bitches”? Yep. Tweeted by the chairman of the DNC. Read the […]

Will Blue Dogs Risk Their Seats To Pass Healthcare?

by: Jane Hamsher FireDogLake Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Many have asked if the progressives in the House will stick together and keep the health care bill from passing if it has mandates but no public option.

My answer is: it depends.

There are probably 8-12 who would like to, but nobody wants to be […]

The Republican Alternative

The Right Prescription The Republican Alternative

By Peter Ferrara The American Spectator 11/18/2009

Democrats have been telling us all year that the Republicans have no health reform alternative. They are just the party of no! So we must have all been hallucinating when, lo and behold, just before the recent House vote on the Pelosi/Obama […]

Confessions of an ObamaCare Backer

A liberal explains the political calculus

The Wall Street Journal November 10, 2009

The typical argument for ObamaCare is that it will offer better medical care for everyone and cost less to do it, but occasionally a supporter lets the mask slip and reveals the real political motivation. So let’s give credit to John Cassidy, […] threatens Blue Dog Dems

by Michael Stone Portland Progressive Examiner November 3, 2009

In the politics of health care, is playing hardball with Blue Dog Democrats. Yesterday MoveOn raised an astounding $2 million in less than 24 hours in support of a primary challenge against any Democratic senator who helps Republicans block an up-or-down vote on health care […]

Our Notes From Last Night’s AFP Health Care Call with Reps. Pence and Ryan

3 November 2009

Last night we participated in the conference call conducted by Americans for Prosperity with Congressmen Mike Pence and Paul Ryan. The call lasted one hour and the Congressmen gave participants quite a lot of information about Speaker Pelosi’s health care bill, now pending.

Here are the notes we took during the […]
