NY Post: The Pelosi-Reid train wreck

Editorial October 31, 2009

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unveiled a 2,000-page health-care bill Thursday — complete with a “public option” — cobbled together from competing versions passed by separate committees.

At this point, she and her Senate counterparts are crafting their bills in ways to secure votes for passage rather than to produce good policy. […]

‘From the road in Arkansas with John Stossel’

by Tim Phillips Americans For Prosperity Friday, October 30, 2009

While Speaker Pelosi unveiled her final health care takeover bill in the House, I’m here on the road with Fox New’s John Stossel holding town hall meetings to urge folks to keep up the fight against a government takeover of health care.

At 7am […]

Leading Blue Dog suggests opening Medicare to uninsured

By Mike Soraghan The Hill 10/15/09

First he was for it. Then he was against it. Now Rep. Mike Ross is back on board with a government-run healthcare plan. Sort of.

Ross (D-Ark.), who had emerged as a leader among centrist Blue Dog Democrats opposing the public health insurance option, has suggested something his colleagues […]

Pelosi moves to center on public option

by Mike Soraghan and Jared Allen TheHill.com October 1, 2009

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is shifting to the center on a government-run public health insurance plan, warming to a version that is being supported by some Blue Dog Democrats.

Pelosi’s recent public statements and private conversations indicate her willingness to move away from the more […]

Democrats ignore centrist majority

by Larry Pastor Bucks County Courier Times September 20, 2009

Regardless of your stage and situation in life, our government is threatening to stifle your American dream. The party in complete control of Washington, led by a radically liberal president, is working to strip your constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


Obama’s Swing-State Blues

Virginia Democrat Creigh Deeds is running for governor…and running away from President Obama.

by Kimberley A. Strassel The Wall Street Journal September 25, 2009

Not so long ago, Democrats were thrilled by the long length of Barack Obama’s coattails. Creigh Deeds would be a lot more thrilled today if he could just step off.

Mr. […]
