Psych Report Confirms D'Souza 'Well-Adjusted'

Dem judge refuses to accept conclusion Obama critic made ‘mistake for good motives’

Jerome R. Corsi WorldNetDaily 7/19/2015

NEW YORK – A psychiatrist’s report reviewed by WND confirms statements from defense attorney Benjamin Brafman to U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman in a sentencing review hearing in Manhattan that his client, filmmaker and bestselling author […]

Just like the old Soviet Union: Dem judge orders psych counseling for D'Souza

Clinton appointee ignored physicians, orders more treatment for Dinesh

Jerome R. Corsi WorldNetDaily 7/13/2015

NEW YORK – At a hearing Monday in Manhattan in which he ruled filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza must continue community service for four more years, U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman said he considers D’Souza’s violation of federal campaign-finance laws to be […]

Here’s the Company That Buys Aborted Body Parts From Planned Parenthood

Austin Ruse Big Government 14 Jul 2015

In the gruesome and now viral video that shows a Planned Parenthood medical officer talking to undercover actors posing as biotech entrepreneurs about the prospects of buying fetal body parts, the name of one company pops up several times.

In the context of selling aborted fetal tissue, […]

Gowdy gets DHS to admit it won’t force sanctuary cities to comply with federal law

Elizabeth Potter The Washington Examiner 7/14/2015

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., on Tuesday got Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to admit that the Obama administration doesn’t want to force state and local governments to comply with federal immigration detention orders.

Gowdy and others grilled Johnson about these orders in a hearing aimed at exploring how an […]

Sen. Tim Scott to Obama: ‘What type of gun law would have made this situation not occur?’

Carmine Sabia BizPac Review 6/20/2015

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott has a question for President Obama after the president pushed the idea of more anti-gun legislation just hours after nine people were killed in a Charleston church.

“What type of gun law would have made this situation not occur?” Scott asked, appearing Friday on Fox […]

The statement Americans SHOULD have heard today from their President...

18 June 2015

“We all lose when senseless tragedies like this remove vibrant lives from our midst. May God give us the ability to rise above hatred and join hands and recognize that our strength is in our unity and love heals all wounds.”

~Dr. Benjamin Carson





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