GOP lawmaker: Obama saying ‘up yours’ to Congress

Cristina Marcos The Hill 7/7/2015

Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) on Tuesday said President Obama’s executive order regarding the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge could be summed up as: “Up yours.”

Young claimed the executive order announced earlier this year to recommend designating nearly all 20 million acres in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) as wilderness […]

Supreme Court Slaps EPA in 5-4 Ruling Against Power Plant Regulations

Bridget Johnson PJ Tatler PJ Media 6/29/2015

…Writing for the majority in a conservative-liberal split, Justice Antonin Scalia said the EPA “strayed well beyond the bounds of reasonable interpretation in concluding that cost is not a factor relevant to the appropriateness of regulating power plants.”

“EPA’s decision to regulate power plants under §7412 allowed the […]

RI Senator: Use RICO Laws to Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics

Mark Hemingway The Weekly Standard 6/2/2015

Writing in the Washington Post, Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democratic Senator from Rhode Island, offered a curious suggestion for dealing with global warming skeptics…

…Top men like Sheldon Whitehouse can make sure we don’t hear anything that we don’t need to hear about scientific research and legally punish anyone who […]

Sierra Club Caught in Anti-Coal Fakery

A petition to close down a coal plant from the green group listed some supporters who say they hadn’t signed on.

Jillian Kay Melchior National Review 5/6/2015

A leading national watchdog group monitoring nonprofits has put the Sierra Club on its watch list after reports that three western North Carolina businesses accused the green group […]

Jeb Bush Endorses UN Climate Treaty Process: ‘We need to work with the rest of the world to negotiate a way to reduce carbon emissions’

Marc Morano Climate Depot 4/19/2015

Jeb Bush: ‘The climate is changing and I am concerned about that.’ – ‘Be cognizant of the fact that we have this climate change issue and we need to work with the rest of the world to negotiate a way to reduce carbon emissions’

Via Tampa Bay Times: Tom Steyer’s […]

Iran endorses nuclear EMP attack on United States

Paul Bedard The Washington Examiner 3/19/2015

Suspected for years of plotting to dismantle the U.S. electric grid, American officials have confirmed that Iranian military brass have endorsed a nuclear electromagnetic pulse explosion that would attack the country’s power system.

American defense experts made the discovery while translating a secret Iranian military handbook, raising new concerns […]
