Reynolds: Want a lawless police force? Federalize it.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds USA Today 5/4/2015

In the wake of the Baltimore riots, Al Sharpton is calling for the federal takeover of local police. Like most ideas from the loathsome Rev. Sharpton, this is a lousy one. But since federalizing local police is actually an Obama administration idea, it’s worth paying a bit more attention.


Have we lost our freedoms?

Glenn Beck 12/3/2014

Glenn was joined by Judge Andrew Napolitano last night to discuss his new book, Suicide Pact: The Radical Expansion of Presidential Powers and the Lethal Threat of American Liberty. Napolitano’s book argues that the greatest trick the federal government has ever pulled was in convincing us, U.S. citizens, to voluntarily surrender our […]

Rand Paul Calls for Ebola Flight Restrictions

Dave Blount Moonbattery 10/12/2014

The difference between a libertarian and an anarchist is that a libertarian understands there are crucial functions that government performs. Unfortunately, for the most part our government does not perform them. Obama et al. will regulate each bite of food you put in your mouth, but it will not put any […]

Western lawmakers gather in Utah to talk federal land takeover

‘It’s time’ Lawmakers from 9 states gather in Utah, discuss ways to take control of federal lands.

Kristen Moulton The Salt Lake Tribune 4/18/2014

It’s time for Western states to take control of federal lands within their borders, lawmakers and county commissioners from Western states said at Utah’s Capitol on Friday.

More than 50 political […]

Has the government restricted airspace over Bundy Ranch?

U.S. govt. bans air traffic over Bundy Ranch in desperate blackout effort to hide secret BLM ‘bovine concentration camps’

Mike Adams Natural News 4/12/2014

Desperate to halt all journalism efforts near the Bundy Ranch and “control the narrative” of lies and disinfo, the U.S. government has now banned air traffic over the ranch, preventing journalists […]

Rep. Moran: Members Can't Afford to Live Decently in DC, are 'underpaid'

Hannah Hess Roll Call 4/3/2014

Despite what constituents outside of Washington might think, members of Congress are underpaid, a House Legislative Branch appropriator suggested Thursday.

Virginia Democrat James P. Moran said he plans to highlight the injustice by introducing an amendment to the Legislative Branch bill during its full committee markup, and at floor consideration […]
