The Chappaqua Case: The Feds Muscle In on Local Zoning Laws

HUD has rewritten the definition of “fair housing.”

Howard Husock National Review 7/30/2015

Here’s a question for Hillary Clinton: Should a U.S. attorney threaten a county with more than $1 million in fines if it refuses to pressure local officials to approve a housing development?

The issue is not at all hypothetical. It’s front and […]

Obamacare Is a Mean Law

Rush Limbaugh The Rush Limbaugh Show 7//7/2015

RUSH: Wait until you hear this next story. It is from Forbes. Here’s the headline: “Small Businesses Threatened with $36,500 IRS Fines For Helping Employees with Health Costs.” This was not and is not part of Obamacare. The IRS just created this, and that’s one of the problems […]

Federal regs II: State Dept’s new regs would transform the Internet beyond recognition

J.E. Dyer Liberty Unyielding 6/8/2015

Rusty Weiss called to our attention this morning an update to “arms trafficking” regulations posted to the Federal Register last week by the State Department. The National Rifle Association has sounded the alarm, having recognized quickly how these new regs would effectively shut down the exchange of information among gun […]

FCC denies request to delay Internet rules

Mario Trujillo The Hill 5/8/2015

If critics want to delay new net neutrality rules, they will have to go through a judge.

The Federal Communications Commission on Friday denied petitions from eight telecom companies and trade groups asking the agency to hold off on implementing the regulations while critics battle them in court.

A host […]

Dodd-Frank Takes Banking Back To Horse-And-Buggy Days

Editorial 4/24/2015

Regulation: To understand how far Dodd-Frank set back the financial industry, look at the first bank to open in the country since that legislation became law in 2010. It is literally a horse-and-buggy operation.

Dodd-Frank was sold as the salvation of America’s wayward financial system. President Obama hailed the “reform” as a […]

If you like your nun soap, you can’t keep your nun soap…

Elizabeth Scalia The Anchoress 4/25/2015

At least not if Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) and Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) have their way, because the government can’t leave anything alone; everything must be regulated: the Personal Care Products Safety Act (S. 1014) will basically regulate the small cottage industry of artisanal soap-making out or existence with annual […]
