Racing Through History



Daniel Greenfield The Sultan Knish 7/3/2015

…As Ben Carson pointed out, we will not get rid of racism by banning the Confederate flag. Even when it is used at its worst, by the likes of Dylann Storm Roof, it is a symptom, not the problem. Roof was not radicalized by the dead […]

Mark Steyn Reminds Democrats: The Confederate Flag Belongs To Their Party



Rusty Weiss The Political Insider 6/25/2015

Columnist Mark Steyn weighed in on the Confederate flag debate, saying it’s absurd that the Republican party has been linked with the controversial relic because it’s actually a “Democrat flag.”

Steyn ripped the Democrat party historically, saying they were “the largest and most powerful institution supporting […]

The Gettysburg Address 150 years later

19 November 2013



This recently discovered photograph of President Lincoln was captured moments after giving his dedicatory remarks that Thursday afternoon 150 years ago.



“Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all […]

150th anniversary of Battle of Gettysburg provides a bigger story

Phil Gast CNN 6/30/2013

“For every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it’s still not yet two o’clock on that July afternoon in 1863.”

So starts a powerful passage by William Faulkner in “Intruder in the Dust.” The Mississippi novelist and poet poignantly painted […]

NYT: Obama First to Deliberately Kill American Citizen Without Trial Since the Civil War

Patterico Patterico’s Pontifications 3/11/2013

…First, there is the point made in the headline of this post. Remember how Lindsey Graham chided his Republican colleagues for supporting Rand Paul?

To my Republican colleagues: I don’t remember any of you comin’ down here suggesting that President Bush was going to kill anybody with a drone. I don’t […]

Sesquicentennial Comparisons: Black Slavery in America and Ottoman Turkey

“…Amongst the Mussulmans, however, the use of having slaves is universal; with them it is just as natural to have negro slaves as it is [for non-Muslims] to have cats or dogs in the house…”


Andrew G. Bostom American Thinker 1/1/2013

January 1, 2013 marks the sesquicentennial (150th anniversary) of President Abraham […]
