Obama Agrees to Massive Stimulus Plan...

…For Iran

Scot Vorse Breitbart.com Big Government 16 Jul 2015

On Tuesday, President Obama signed an agreement that equates to a $1,300 impact on every family in America — one of the largest stimulus packages in history.

The only problem is that this money is not going to help put food on the table of […]

This month’s Jarrett headlines

Valerie Jarrett Organized White House Rainbow Lights

Charlie Spiering Breitbart.com Big Government 29 Jun 2015

White House Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett was one of the mobilizing forces behind the decision to light up the White House with the colors of the gay pride movement to celebrate the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.

According to […]

Did Michelle Obama not see the irony in delivering a speech on female emancipation to a school full of girls in headscarves in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets?

And is this the face Britain wants to show the world?


Michelle Obama paid visit to the Mulberry School for Girls, Tower Hamlets More than 90% of pupils are Muslim from mainly Bangladeshi background And majority have no option but to wear headscarves and long robes But still it was chosen as the site […]

FEMA Screwed Up, Now Want Cash Back From Victims of Hurricane ‘Sandy’

Soopermexican The Right Scoop 6/20/2015

Well isn’t this a kick in the face. Sandy victims who got money from FEMA are now being told they have to pay it back because the federal government screwed up in handing it out.

Now look, as a hard-working taxpayer, I don’t want the government to be wasting tax-money […]

Rand Paul: ObamaTrade Tax Hikes on Small Businesses Mean Republicans Should Oppose Revival Efforts

Matthew Boyle Breitbart.com Big Government 15 Jun 2015

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is calling on Republicans in the House—and the grassroots nationwide—to oppose efforts by House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to revive Obamatrade via a tax increase hidden inside the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) portion of the deal…

…Leadership didn’t […]

GOP Congressman Points to Two Words Contained in a 2014 Email That Could Suggest White House Involvement in Net Neutrality Vote

Jon Street The Blaze 3/17/2015

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler told members of Congress Tuesday that the White House did not pressure the agency into passing new internet rules, but one Republican congressman is honing in on two words contained in an email from last year that could indicate just the opposite.

Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) […]
