‘This is why people think you’re pussies!’

Ann Coulter Battles John Stossel and a Room Full of Libertarians

Becket Adams The Blaze 2/22/2013

…“Libertarians and pot,” Coulter laughed. “This is why people think libertarians are pu**ies.”…

…She continued:

We’re living in a country that is 70-percent socialist, the government takes 60 percent of your money. They are taking care of […]

Trump: Buying NY Times ‘Very Tough’ Deal

Dan Well MoneyNews 21 Jan 2013

Real estate billionaire Donald Trump says he has looked at purchasing The New York Times, but that it would be a difficult deal.

“I think a lot of people are hoping it’s true” that he’d buy it, Trump tells Fox Business Network. “I’ve looked at the numbers. Their numbers […]

The Coming Fall and Eventual Rebirth of America

Col. Frank Ryan, CPA American Thinker 11/27/2012

…In the experiences that I have had assisting companies and organizations avoid bankruptcy, there is a very predictable pattern that organizations face when they are dealing with serious financial problems.

The pattern involves economic growth and prosperity followed by overspending. From overspending and excess comes a period of […]

Leading on Entitlement Reform

While federal lawmakers dawdle, the states are tackling fiscal problems.

Michael Barone National Review Online 12/17/2012

Rhode Island state treasurer Gina Raimondo


Democrats in Washington declare that they will absolutely, positively allow no changes whatever in the nation’s unsustainable entitlement programs — Social Security and Medicare.

But out in the states, politicians […]

Rhode Island Judge Has Stake in Pension Case Outcome

Mary Williams Walsh The New York Times 12/4/2012

Can a judge rule impartially on pension cuts when her mother, her son, her uncle and even she herself all have a stake in preserving the status quo?

In Rhode Island, the site of a sweeping pension overhaul last year, a prominent New York lawyer is seeking […]

Mark Levin on inflation and your retirement accounts

Mark Levin interview: Inflation is coming and it will devastate the economic environment for every American family

The Right Scoop 11/29/2012

If you don’t listen to the whole interview…between Mark Levin and Bill Archer, please listen to at least the first 7 minutes or so. I think you’ll likely keep listening when you get to […]
