Sen. Tim Scott to Obama: ‘What type of gun law would have made this situation not occur?’

Carmine Sabia BizPac Review 6/20/2015

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott has a question for President Obama after the president pushed the idea of more anti-gun legislation just hours after nine people were killed in a Charleston church.

“What type of gun law would have made this situation not occur?” Scott asked, appearing Friday on Fox […]

Federal regs II: State Dept’s new regs would transform the Internet beyond recognition

J.E. Dyer Liberty Unyielding 6/8/2015

Rusty Weiss called to our attention this morning an update to “arms trafficking” regulations posted to the Federal Register last week by the State Department. The National Rifle Association has sounded the alarm, having recognized quickly how these new regs would effectively shut down the exchange of information among gun […]

Federal Judge Denies DC’s Request to Immediately Stay Gun Ruling

Federal Judge Denies DC’s Request to Immediately Stay Gun Ruling

Stephen Gutowski The Washington Free Beacon 5/28/2015

A federal judge on Thursday denied the District of Columbia’s request for an immediate administrative stay on a ruling declaring part of the city’s gun carry law unconstitutional.

In a ruling issued on May 18th, Judge Frederick J. […]

Limbaugh: What if Jihadists Demand Sharia Law for Gays, Women in the US?

Jack Coleman NewsBusters 5/5/2015

The kneejerk response from MSNBC’s Chris Matthews was boilerplate liberal apologia for the jihad — yes, Atlas Shrugs blogger Pamela Geller and her American Freedom Defense Initiative have the right to organize a Draw Muhammad contest, but doing so was deliberately provocative and “caused” two fanatical Islamists to open fire outside […]

Murthy is either an idiot or he thinks we are

The Surgeon General is an idiot


streiff RedState 4/28/2015

Back in the closing days of the Senate under One-Eye Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) Dr. Vivek Murthy was confirmed as US Surgeon General by the narrowest of margins…

…The resistance to Murthy was led by the the NRA because Murthy is an reflexive, doctrinaire […]

Baltimore Riot: Remember O’Malley’s Anti-Gun Law

James Bovard 4/28/2015

After Baltimore descended into chaos, remember that Gov. Martin O’Malley was so proud of the anti-gun law he got enacted into 2013. We have seen that Baltimore police did not or could not defend people – and O’Malley’s law makes it far more difficult for citizens to acquire the means to defend […]
