Supreme Court strikes down federal raisin program as unconstitutional

Richard Wolf USA Today 6/22/2015

WASHINGTON — Score one for the little guy.

The Supreme Court sided with a renegade raisin farmer Monday in his battle against a federal program designed to keep excess raisins off the market.

A majority of justices ruled that the Agriculture Department program, which seizes excess raisins from producers in […]

Judge orders IRS to release list of tea party groups targeted for scrutiny

Stephen Dinan The Washington Times 4/2/2015

A federal judge ordered the IRS this week to turn over the list of 298 groups it targeted for intrusive scrutiny as the agency defends against a potential class-action lawsuit by tea party groups who claim their constitutional rights were violated.

The IRS had argued it shouldn’t have to […]

Federal district judge Reed O'Connor rules that the federal Gun Control Act of 1968 violates the Second Amendment

Ann Althouse 2/12/2015

Notably, O’Connor applied strict scrutiny:

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which did not endorse any specific level of scrutiny for future Second Amendment cases, gun rights advocates have been urging the lower courts to practice strict scrutiny whenever appropriate…

…At its core, […]

Harvard Law Professor: EPA Climate Rule Is Unconstitutional

Michael Bastasch The Daily Caller 12/5/2014

The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rule to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants is unconstitutional because it violates the Tenth Amendment and the Fifth Amendment, according to a noted liberal Harvard law professor.

“In short, coal has been a bedrock component of our economy and energy policy for […]

Senators Eye Asset Forfeiture Reform

Media focus builds pressure to limit seizures by feds

CJ Ciaramella The Washington Free Beacon 10/29/2014

Several U.S. senators are considering reforms to federal civil asset forfeiture laws—which allow the government to seize citizens’ property even if they are not convicted or charged with a crime—following several high-profile investigations by news outlets.

On Sunday, the […]

‘Ms. Lerner’s mistreatment of conservative groups was driven by her personal hostility toward conservatives’

New Emails Show Lois Lerner Called Some Conservatives ‘A**holes’

Pete Kasperowicz The Blaze 7/30/2014

New emails uncovered by the House Ways and Means Committee indicate that former IRS employee Lois Lerner has a strong dislike of some conservatives, and at one point called them “assholes” in an email exchange.

The committee released an email Lerner […]
