'You personally did not cause the targeting. You personally did not destroy the emails. But by your actions and your deception, you now own this scandal.'

‘We have a problem with you, and you have a problem maintaining your credibility’: House Republicans slam IRS commissioner as they subpoena a White House lawyer in ‘missing emails’ case

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testified Monday in a rare evening hearing, just days after being called a liar in another House proceeding He defended the […]

House votes to find IRS’s Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress

Stephen Dinan The Washington Times 5/7/2014

Nearly a year to the day after she revealed the IRS gave inappropriate scrutiny to some groups applying for tax-exempt status, the House voted Wednesday to declare Lois G. Lerner in contempt of Congress for blocking its investigation, sending her case to the legal system.

Six Democrats joined Republicans […]

Dem. Elijah Cummings defends shocking emails showing he coordinated with IRS effort to target True the Vote

Image: www.truthrevolt.org



Michael Dorstewitz BizPac Review 4/10/2014

…At a February committee hearing, Cummings claimed that any notion that he or his staff had put True The Vote “on the radar screen” of the IRS was “absolutely incorrect and untrue.”

This new information, in the form of letters and emails from 2012 […]

Darrell Issa wants Elijah Cummings to disclose talks with Lois Lerner’s attorney

Sean Lengell The Washington Examiner 4/4/2014

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., asked the panel’s top Democrat to disclose communications between his office and the lawyer for former IRS official Lois Lerner, who faces contempt charges before the committee.

In a letter to ranking member Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., Issa said […]

Holder to Cruz: No Conflict Having Obama Donor Investigate IRS Scandal

Andrew C. McCarthy The Corner National Review Online 3/20/2014

I know you’ll be shocked to hear that Attorney General Eric Holder has rejected Senator Ted Cruz’s call for an independent prosecutor to probe the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups. I wrote about the senator’s demand when he made it two months ago (see here; see […]

New Congressional Report Shows How Lois Lerner Lied To Congress On IRS Targeting Conservative Groups…

Zip Weasel Zippers 3/11/2014

Hence the reason she’s been pleading the Fifth.

Via Washington Examiner:

A GOP-led House panel Tuesday released an extensive report that attempts to show former top Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner lied to Congress about her involvement in the targeting of conservative groups seeking tax exempt status.

Oversight and Government […]
