'Never Again is Now'

5 things you need to know about ‘Never Again Is Now’ and Glenn’s big announcement

Wilson GlennBeck.com 6/8/2015

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

-Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Five years ago […]

NBC News Reporter Maria Shriver Lies about Lack of GOP Leadership at #Selma50

Kristinn Taylor The Gateway Pundit 3/7/2015

Maria Shriver, a prominent member of the Democrat Party’s Kennedy clan and a Special Anchor for NBC News, took to Twitter Saturday evening to smear Republicans over the fiftieth anniversary observation held in Selma to mark a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights movement. Shriver falsely said that no […]

'Letter from a Birmingham Jail'

Martin Luther King, Jr. 16 April 1963

(from the archives of the African Studies Center University of Pennsylvania)   My Dear Fellow Clergymen: While confined here in the Birmingham city jail, I came across your recent statement calling my present activities “unwise and untimely.” Seldom do I pause to answer criticism of my work and […]

The movie ‘Selma’ has a glaring flaw

Joseph A. Califano Jr. Opinions The Washington Post 12/26/2014

Joseph A. Califano Jr. was President Lyndon Johnson’s top assistant for domestic affairs from 1965 to 1969.


What’s wrong with Hollywood?

The makers of the new movie “Selma” apparently just couldn’t resist taking dramatic, trumped-up license with a true story that didn’t need any […]

Map Of Locations To Which Feds Are Shipping Illegal Alien Minors

Nickarama Weasel Zippers 7/4/2014

This map was created by NumbersUSA from media reports. Click on the link for a bigger version of the map as well as a list of all the places so far recorded in media, as well as other places proposed. As can be noted from the list, at most of these […]

'The New School': 'Smart People Make Better Electricians.' An Interview With Instapundit

We were told for a long time that education was what got you ahead, but now you see all these people with their Masters degrees in Women’s Studies from Brown at the Occupy Wall Street camp saying they can’t get a job and they’ve got $100,000 of student debt.



Musings […]
